Our mission as a polytechnic institution focuses on student success through the delivery of affordable, flexible, high-quality, experiential learning enhanced by public-private partnerships. We provide accessible, high-quality education that transforms the lives of our students and enhances the communities we serve.
We ensure that our mission is understood broadly through various initiatives:
- BILTs: Our Business and Industry Leadership Teams (BILTs) assist in building our programs and shape our educational offerings, ensuring they align with our mission and meet the needs of our students and industry partners.
- Marketing Messages: Mission-driven language is included in our marketing messages, ensuring that our values and goals are communicated effectively to our students, staff, faculty, partners and the community.
- Connecting Students to Industry: We connect students to future employers through internships, externships, and apprenticeships, providing real-world experiences that align with our mission.
Bismarck State College offers degrees both online and on-campus, providing synchronous and asynchronous options to accommodate diverse student needs.
Mission Development and Review: Our mission is developed, reviewed and improved over time through a collaborative process. As we shift our goals as an institution, such as our recent transition to becoming a polytechnic institution, our mission is updated to reflect these changes.
Articulation of the Mission: Students, faculty, staff and external constituents can articulate our mission, which is ensured through various methods:
- Presented when new BILT teams are established.
- Posted in every building on-campus.
- Posted in the “About” section of our BSC website.
- Included in all syllabi.
- Shared during our new employee onboarding process
Incorporation of Mission into Instruction: Our mission is incorporated into instruction through:
- Inclusion in all syllabi.
- Experiential learning opportunities provide hands-on experiences that align with our mission.
These efforts ensure that our mission is understood and actively supported and integrated into all aspects of our institution.